Michaela Nesvarova – Writer, Editor & Magazine Coordinator

I’m a freelance journalist currently based in Gent (Belgium). I love my job because it allows me to give people a voice and share stories that deserve to be known. I enjoy being around different people, cultures and attitudes and finding what connects us all.

I have dedicated a large portion of my career to writing about cutting-edge science and challenges of working in academia, with specific focus on gender (in)equality and the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in the broadest sense.

I started my career as a freelance writer in the Netherlands. After several years of successful collaboration, I got the position of an editor, writer and magazine coordinator at U-Today where I worked for more than 6 years. I began as a news writer and gradually developed a passion for writing about science, technology and preparing in-depth personal interviews – with scientists and beyond.

I have written hundreds of articles and successfully coordinated dozens of magazines and projects. I am a Czech native speaker, I’m fully proficient in English and I have a working understanding of Dutch. I have a university degree from Charles University in Prague, where I majored in language studies and translation.

You can find a bit more about me on LinkedIn.

Want to see examples of my work? You can find a few right here.

Not enough info? Send me an email and we can schedule a (digital) meeting to get to know each other!